Voilá For I Got Style (Pjusken)
Born 20/08 - 2009
Past 25/08 - 2010

"Pjusken" came to our home from Görel in Sweden, when he was 7 months old. A merry little ray of sunshine, which we unfortunately only had around for a short time. Pjusken got a servere infection in pancreas, and he hasn´t yet gained his idealweight, it would be difficult and  take a long and painful treatment and maybe impossible for him to survive, therefore we, Erik and I and his breeder took the resolution to put him to sleep. "Pjusken" lived most of his life with Görel in Sweden, so therefore it must be Görels words about "Pjusken" which has to be quoted here:

För mig finns inte ord på hur något sådant har kunnat ske. Både ni och vi älskade den här lille hunden och vi var så glada att det var hos er han bodde och hade det så bra. Jag kan inte skriva ner hur ledsen jag är, han var ju så fantastisk från första stund. Alla tyckte om och ville ha honom och så skulle det gå så här. Jag lyfte upp Tippy för hon ville springa ut under födseln och samtidigt föds lille Pjusken i min hand, redan då bedårande söt.




Jabir's Danés Dalmacho (Trold)
Born 24/02 - 1997
Past 01/05 - 2006

In the last months of his life Trold got severe problems with his heart, and after serious heart attacks we dicided to let him go to sleep. All my dogs has a place in my heart, but there are some of them who claim much more space in my heart. Such a dog was my belovde Trold. He was the dearest dog one could dream about. And I miss him every day. Trold became 9 years old.




Jabir's Danés Bismieto (Bips)
Born 29/09 - 2001
Past 03/01 - 2005

Bips was diagnosed ”Patella Luxation” in both of his hind legs – in the spring of 2004. In the winter of 2004 he started having difficulty in walking and then we had to – even though it was incredibly difficult for us – to let go of him in January 2005. He was only 4 years old.




Jabir's Bo Blance Rioja Ramona (Minnie)
Born 06/04 - 1991
Past 24/09 -  2003

Minnie is until now the only one of our small dogs  which has got a normal life without any diseases. She was 12½ years old when she died.




Jabir's Danés Naradjos (Dino)
Born 26/03 - 1999
Past 15/05 -  2003

Dino is the one of our dogs which was the hardest for us to part with, probably because his illness came so suddenly, and because he was very ill in the end. He died of letdown of his liver  only 4 years old.




Jabir's Bo Blance Cuba Cabana (Viggo/Gysse)
Born 08/02 - 1989
Past 14/11 -  1996

Viggo got a ligament injury in his right hind leg when he was barely 7 years old. At that time we decided to have him operated. About 8 month after the operation his ligament in his left hind leg was torn, and then we had to part with him. Viggo was 7 years old.



